Sunday, 21 September 2014

Busker alley at Shinjuku station

Okay, those who know me, are aware that I have a weak spot for buskers and live music. Musicphotography was the reason I bought my first real camera.

Buskers were my favourite thing ever in Dublin. The first time I felt at home at Malta was when a young sweetie started standing with his guitar next to my office. I walked down everyday to have a chance to give him a few cents. I remember one day when I skipped lunch because I gave him my last coins.

So, imagine the joy when I walked by Shinjuku Station one night and started to hear someone singing. And someone else. And someone rapping. And realized that oh wow, the whole boulevard was filled with buskers. Propably spent an hour just enthrilled by the different acts. Everything from the nervous 'girlpunk'band to the hypnotized schoolgirls around the cute guy crooning to the scary lady screaming.

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