Monday, 15 September 2014

Status update: 1 done.

Hi!Or actually konnichiwa hej ciao!

It's been a while since my last update.Then again,this is a long term project and I can't really say I have stuff to upload regularly.

And...I tend to get busy/lazy.

I did a quick trip to my native Finland in July,had a wonderful wedding to attend there so popped by for the weekend. Flights 'home' are around 300-400 euros,no direct flights YET (Finnair has just this week announced they will start seasonal directs between Helsinki-Malta,yay!) so going home isn't a 'once-a-month' thing. Luckily I managed to squeeze in a day in my paradise,the old family cottage by the sea.

But,these past weeks I have done some proper traveling. Project Asia and Tokyo is completed!
Have so much to write about that,will do that and share pictures soon.

Also,by coincidence I had another wedding to attend so I stayed on vacation to make a roadtrip in Sweden while I was on the go.More about that too coming up.And the horror story called Italy.

The trip to Tokyo got scaled down a lot,partly due to Swedentrip that came into picture.But the main goal was achieved.I did turn 30 in Hello Kitty Land.

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