Monday 11 November 2013


Hi. I'm Jen, and I'm turning 30 next year.

When asked about interests, I say travelling and learning about new cultures.

The only problem is: I never travel. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm stuck in my little home town of 8000 people either. I'm currently living in country number 4.
Being an expat is a great way of learning about different cultures, but it does take a toll on travelling. Whenever I save up money to travel, it's again time to go back home for a visit. Or then I just don't have anyone to travel with.

So mostly, my travelling stays in my head and in my plans. I'm really good at planning trips. And I mean REALLY good.

But, like I said. I realized that I'm turning 30 next year, and now really is the time to start exploring if I'm ever gonna do it. So I made a decision. By the time I turn 40, I have visited all continents. Might skip out on Antarktis though...

This blog is to follow and share my big project, a place to vent out ideas and problems, and also a place to gather thoughts and info. I know already, that many of the trips here will never be done. Maybe they will give help and inspiration to other travellers, who knows.

If you for some reason end up reading this, please do share any ideas or tips you might have.

Love, Jen


  1. I just found your blog and I love it :). It really gives the readers a taste of different cultures. Could you please post also pictures?

    1. Hi, nice to have you here and even nicer that you're enjoying it! I do try to post pictures as well, specially lately after I finally got a camera again :)


Please do share thoughts and ideas. Please don't spam.