Thursday 21 November 2013

Who says abandoned is forgotten?

My lunchtimebrowsing today came up with a jackpot. I was actually googling for the odd museums in Ireland, and somehow managed to find a gallery titled "15 most breathtaking abandoned places in the world" at a site called

I'm really flipping through the gallery back and forth. And most of these places are actually visitable without being to outlandish!

One place that I'm definitely planning my trip around is this abandoned theme park in Tokyo. I can't wait to go there! With a camera! I want to climb on that rollercoaster and fool around!

And seriously, Skyfall is the only James Bond movie I've had energy to watch in about a decade and while watching it I was so impressed about the place where the villain (who's name I can't bother to remember but you know who I mean. Albino-Javier. You know.) hang around. And guess what?

It's a real place! I can go there! It's apparently called "The Battleship Island" and located in Japan, and it's number 12 on that same list as the Nara Dreamland.

I borrowed the pictures from Totorotimes who has a absolutely stunning photogallery from Nara Dreamland. I'm blown away. Have to get there.
Actually. I think I need to look into that site a bit more otherwise as well...

15 Most Breathtaking Abandoned Places in the World
Read more at theme park

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